Incorporating events organised by the Northamptonshire Bowls Youth Development Scheme


Nicola Wilson-Brown

Tel. 07909598971


By May 2025 every Club in the County must have a Safeguarding Officer who will require an enhanced DBS check and have attended one of the following Courses:

New Safeguarding Awareness Module - for members/committee members

Safeguarding: Officer Training

Both courses are available on the Coach Bowls Website

Please note that Safeguarding Officers may be shared between Clubs in the local vacinity.

A Safeguatding Officer does not have to be a member of the Club but should have experience in the Safeguarding field.

Examples being School Teachers, Doctor, Nursing Staff, Police Officer.


 Any Club without a Safeguarding Officer by May 2025

will be disaffiliated by Bowls England


Each Junior (Under 18 years) must fill in a 'Parent Consent Form' annually.

The year runs from 1st October to 30th September the following year.

If a junior only bowls Outdoors the year will run from 1st May to 30th April the following year.

All parent consent forms must be kept by the Safeguarding Officer

and a hard copy sent to the Childs indoor club Safeguarding  Officer (if appropriate)

and a hard copy to the County Safeguarding Officers.

The club is safeguarding all members and visitors to its premises.

Much information is available on the BDA Website under the heading Safeguarding.

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